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Background Investigation

The recruitment team is required to do a thorough background of all personnel hired. Personal references will be contacted.  During this process we are looking into what kind of relationship you have built with friends and colleagues throughout the years. You will need to list the name, address and phone number of five personal references. This should not include family members.


Your investigator will call all individuals you have listed in this section. Please let them know they are a reference and to answer our call. If they do not respond, it will slow down the process.

Work references will be contacted to verify your work history for the last 10 years and gain an understanding of what type of employee you are.  From this we will learn about how you work with others, any leadership qualities and communication skills you may possess.  We take into account that some roles may have been held many years ago and the same staff may not be there any more.  If you do not have at least 10 years of work experience, list what you have and explain why.


If you are coming to Wake County Sheriff's Office and you previously or currently work for another agency, please let us know.  You may earn credit for your years of experience. 


A Computer Voice Stress Analysis (CVSA) will be conducted on all applicants.  Unlike the computer polygraph, the CVSA requires no wires be attached to the subject being tested. The CVSA uses only a microphone plugged into the computer to analyze the subject's responses.

Executive Interviews

You will be interviewed by an executive panel, consisting of Chiefs, Majors and Captains.  If you have a successful interview, you will be scheduled for an interview with Sheriff Rowe.

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